Asset Monitoring


For data-driven power

The worlds of monitoring, condition assessment and asset management of electrical systems are undergoing a revolution that can help preventing failures and service interruptions, increasing uptime and safety, enhancing assets longevity and significantly reducing maintenance costs and risks.

It’s a revolution that harnesses the extraordinary possibilities of the Internet of Things, and where key parameters measurement and condition assessment data can be collected and stored via private Cloud, to be accessed and shared remotely, allowing effective maintenance strategies for electrical assets and learning for continuous improvement.

PRY-CAM is faster, more data-driven and more effective than before, solving problems today and delivering learning for tomorrow. It’s a fast, flexible, reliable game-changer and a breakthrough technology paired with a suite of electronics-based products that allow online measurement and data gathering of key parameters without service interruption, with a database of more than five million measurements that had never been classified and stored before Prysmian did it.

Diagnostik & tjänster för tillgångsintegritet

Hundratals felaktigheter har redan förhindrats genom användningen av PRY-CAM och dess tillståndsbedömning, tjänster och system för lokalisering av fel.  

PRY-CAM stöttar sina kunder med produkter men även med tjänster via experter inom specifika områden;

  • Fjärranalys av data
  • Lokal PD-mätning
  • Uppstart av elektroniska system

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Fixed Monitoring Solutions

To face the growing challenges related to the complexity, reliability, safety and continuity of supply of electrical systems, our customers are becoming more and more data-driven, requiring the support of an extended, powerful and actual database.


Asset Monitoring

Portable SolutionsPrysmian Group Portable Solutions PRY CAM

Portable SolutionsPrysmian Group Portable Solutions PRY CAM

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Medium Voltage Monitoring Systems

Medium Voltage Monitoring Systems

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Optical Devices

Optical Devices

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