Europacable joins call for more ambitious EU industrial strategy to strengthen manufacturing industry in Europe
Together with 91 other European manufacturing associations, Europacable calls upon the European Commission to take action to ensure the EU remain a competitive global industrial power playing in a fairer world market.

Europe is the cradle of the manufacturing industry and has been at the forefront of industrial revolutions and technological innovations. The industry directly employs over 34 million people across all Member States, in supply chains comprising hundreds of thousands of SMEs and larger suppliers. It also indirectly accounts for millions of additional jobs in related sectors.
Yet as other countries around the world put their industries first, the time has come to raise the alarm about considerable challenges the European manufacturing industry is facing.
Together with 91 European manufacturing industries, representing a diverse range of sectors, Europacable calls on the European Commission to:
- reaffirm its commitment to reaching the target of 20% of GDP from industry, with an ambitious and realistic timeline;
- adopt an Action Plan to tackle the challenges that the industrial sectors are facing, in the framework of a Communication that would include concrete steps and milestones; and
- commit to implement this Action Plan in a timely manner and regularly report on progress.
Please click here to read the Joint Declaration for an ambitious EU industrial strategy launched yesterday in the run-up to the Competitiveness Council on Monday and the EU Industry Day on 28 February.